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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Documents in class: 3.1.5. Bulgarian. Semantics. Pragmatics

Description Type Actions
KOSESKA-TOSZEWA Violetta: On quantification in natural language .- Warszawa, 1999 Book article [Show]
KOSESKA-TOSZEWA Violetta, ROSZKO Roman: On Semantic Annotation in Clarin-PL Parallel Corpora .- "Cognitive Studies = Études cognitives" 2015 Journal article [Show]
MALDJIEVA Viara: On semantic derivation of lexical units .- Warszawa, 2006 Book article [Show]
KOSESKA-TOSZEWA Violetta, MAZURKIEWICZ Antoni: Once more about net representation of the semantic category of tense .- Warszawa, 2004 Book article [Show]
KOSESKA-TOSZEWA Violetta: Once more about the functional perspective of sentences (thematic-rhematic structure) and the order of quantifiers in the semantic structure of the sentence .- Warszawa, 2008 Book article [Show]
LAKOVA Meri: Le parfait bulgare dans une subordonnée introduite par kogato 'quand' .- Warszawa, 1994 Book article [Show]
TONEV Radostin: Passé composé и преводните му еквиваленти на български език .- Велико Търново, 1998 Book article [Show]
KOSESKA-TOSZEWA Violetta: Les pièges de l'imparfait bulgare .- Warszawa, 2003 Book article [Show]
KÌKLEVÌČ Aljaksandr, KORYTKOWSKA Małgorzata, MAZURKIEWICZ-SUŁKOWSKA Julia, ZATORSKA Agnieszka, RAMZA Taccjana: Podstawowe struktury zdaniowe współczesnych języków słowiańskich : białoruski, bułgarski, polski .- Olsztyn, 2010 Book [Show]
MALDJIEVA Viara: Podstawowe założenia opisu kategorii semantycznej "modalność" w gramatyce konfrontatywnej .- Warszawa, 1993 Book article [Show]
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