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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Documents with keyword: językoznawstwo kontrastywne

Description Type Actions
DIMITROVA Ludmila, KOSESKA-TOSZEWA Violetta, ROSZKO Danuta, ROSZKO Roman: Application of multilingual corpus in contrastive studies : on the example of the Bulgarian-Polish-Lithuanian parallel corpus .- "Cognitive Studies = Études cognitives" 2010 Journal article [Show]
SATOŁA-STAŚKOWIAK Joanna: Contemporary contrastive studies of Polish, Bulgarian and Russian neologisms versus language corpora .- "Cognitive Studies = Études cognitives" 2013 Journal article [Show]
KIT Mark, KOSESKA-TOSZEWA Violetta: Dialog between a lexicographer and a translator .- "Cognitive Studies = Études cognitives" 2013 Journal article [Show]
ROSZKO Danuta, ROSZKO Roman: Experimental Polish-Lithuanian corpus with the semantic annotation elements .- "Cognitive Studies = Études cognitives" 2013 Journal article [Show]
KÌKLEVÌČ Aljaksandr: Formy reprezentacji argumentu propozycjonalnego w bułgarskich, polskich i rosyjskich zdaniach ufundowanych na predykacie mentalnym .- "Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej" 2019 Journal article [Show]
Indo-European-Uralic-Siberian Linguistic and Cultural Contacts .- Tartu, 1999 Book [Show]
Linguistique et slavistique : mélanges offerts à Paul Garde .- T. 1 .- Aix-en-Provence, 1992 Book [Show]
Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics .- Poznań, 1998 Journal [Show]
KALISZ Roman: Pojęcia językoznawstwa kontrastywnego a praktyka tłumaczeniowa .- Gdańsk, 2000 Book article [Show]
ROSZKO Danuta: Semantic contrastive linguistics theory and dialectological studies .- "Cognitive Studies = Études cognitives" 2012 Journal article [Show]
Displaying results 1-10 of 19 found.
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