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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Documents in class: Russian. Morphology. Morphonology

Description Type Actions
TOWNSEND Charles E., JANDA Laura A.: Common and Comparative Slavic : Phonology and Inflection with Special Attention to Russian, Polish, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian .- Columbus (Ohio), 1996 Book [Show]
BERMEL Neil: Context and the Lexicon in the Development of Russian Aspect .- Berkeley, 1997 Book [Show]
STUNOVÁ Anna: Czech and Russian aspect in the historical present .- Amsterdam ; Atlanta, 1994 Book article [Show]
MOUTON Charles: Étude contrastive de la notion temps/aspect dans les langues indo-européennes .- "Slavica Gandensia : Belgian Contributions to the 12th International Congress of Slavists : Cracow, 26 Aug.-3 Sept. 1998 " 1998 Journal article [Show]
BOGUSŁAWSKI Andrzej: Fleksja rosyjska .- Warszawa, 2005 Book [Show]
Gender Across Languages : the Linguistic Representation of Women and Men .- Vol. 1 .- Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, 2001 Book [Show]
CZAPIGA Artur: Gramatyka konfrontatywna rosyjsko-polska : morfologia : składnia zdania pojedynczego .- Rzeszów, 2013 Book [Show]
MARYNIAKOWA Irena: Gramatyka konfrontatywna rosyjsko-polska : morfologia ze słowotwórstwem .- Warszawa, 1993 Book [Show]
FRIEDMAN Victor A.: Grammatical gaps and lexical gaps : aspect and the lexicon in Macedonian .- "Jazykovědné aktuality : informativní zpravodaj českých jazykovědců" 1998 Journal article [Show]
KLIMONOV Vladimir Dmitrievič: Ikonismus und Abweichungen vom Ikonismus in grammatischen Kategorien .- "Prace Filologiczne" 2000 Journal article [Show]
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