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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: Formale Slavistik
Author/editor: Hrsg. Uwe Junghanns & Gerhild Zybatow
Publication place: Frankfurt am Main
Publisher: Vervuert Verl.
Year: 1997
Leipziger Schriften zur Kultur-, Literatur-, Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft ; Bd. 7 [Show]
Pages: X, 608 s.
Languages: ger, etc.
Abstract: Materialien zur Konferenz "Formale Beschreibung slavischer Sprachen. First European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages FDSL 1" in Leipzig, 30. November-2. Dezember 1995. (CR)
Author headings:
rd. Junghanns, Uwe [Show]
rd. Zybatow, Gerhild [Show]
Keywords: 1995 r., "Formale Beschreibung slavischer Sprachen. First European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages FDSL 1", języki słowiańskie, językoznawstwo generatywne, konferencja, Lipsk, opis formalny języka
Classification: Conferences. Congresses [Show]
1.1. General part. Problems of modern languages [Show]
Inbound references:
Recenzja: MIHALJEVIĆ Milan .- "Suvremena lingvistika" 1997 [Show]
Recenzja: FRANKS Steven .- "Journal of Slavic Linguistics" 1997 [Show]
EICHLER Sylke: Funktionale Kategorien und Enklitika im Serbokroatischen .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
MIHALJEVIĆ Milan: The interaction of li and negation in Croatian church slavonic .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
LINDSETH Martina: Is Upper-sorbian a pro-drop language? .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
KRSTEV Cvetana, PAVLOVIĆ-LAŽETIĆ Gordana, VITAS Duško: Neutralisation of variations in a dictionary entry's structure in Serbo-Croatian .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
MILOJEVIĆ SHEPPARD Milena: Non-finite verb : finite verb word-orders in Slovenian .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
SPÄTH Andreas: On the subject of the imperative sentence in the western Slavic languages .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
GOLDEN Marija: Parasitic gaps in Slovene .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
FASKA Helmut: Die Prädikatenlogik als Mittel einer exakten Beschreibung der Reflexivpronomen im Sorbischen .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
KING Tracy Holloway: Some sequences of a prosodic inversion account of Slavic clitic clusters .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]
ALEKSEENKO L.A., GRJAZNUCHÌNA Tetjana Oleksandrìvna: Компьютерная версия частей речи в славянских языках .- Frankfurt am Main, 1997 [Show]