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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: Semantics of motion verbs : multiple inheritance of semantic features
Author/editor: André Włodarczyk, Hélène Włodarczyk
Published in: Semantyka a konfrontacja językowa .- 2 .- Warszawa, 1999 [Show]
Pages: 59-84
Languages: eng
Abstract: In the paper the concept of a change of location is considered regarding a contrastive point of view between Polish and French. The authors show an approach (of scheme) in which conceptual non-linguistic and conceptual linguistic strata should be distinguished. Concepts and lexical units ought to be related to each other in a hierarchical way - linguistic concepts constituting the lower stratum, while non-linguistic concepts - the upper stratum. (PK)
Author headings:
ws. Włodarczyk, André [Show]
ws. Włodarczyk, Hélène [Show]
Keywords: analiza kontrastywna, cecha semantyczna, czasownik ruchu, język francuski, język polski, lingwistyka komputerowa, polisemia
10.3. Slavic – non-slavic contrastive studies [Show]
8.2.5. Polish. Semantics. Pragmatics [Show]
8.2.6. Polish. Lexicology [Show]