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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: On flora semantics in house names found in Vidzeme : materials contained in the 1826 counting of souls in Vidzeme province
Author/editor: Ilga Jansone
Published in: Acta Baltico-Slavica [Show]
Journal issue: 2014 38
Pages: 1-39
Note: Il., streszcz.: eng, pol
Languages: eng
Abstract: The author presents Latvian house names derived from plant names (particularly tree names). The largest subgroup of these names was based on the names of trees found in the vicinity of the given household. The author points out that the vast popularity of surnames derived from the Latvian ozols 'oak' coincides with the nuber of house names derived from it. (JB)
Author headings:
au. Jansone, Ilga [Show]
Keywords: 1826 r., chrematonimia 1 (zbiór chrematonimów), język łotewski, Łotwa, nazwy roślin, onomastyka 1 (zbiór nazw własnych), pogranicze językowe, semantyka 1 (znaczenie znaków językowych), Widzeme (region historyczny)
10. Slavic – non-slavic part [Show]
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