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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: Акадэмічнае мовазнаўства за 70 гадоў
Author/editor: А.І. Падлужны
Published in: Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі. Серыя гуманітарных навук [Show]
Journal issue: 1998 № 4
Pages: 120-126
Languages: bel
Author headings:
au. Padlužny, Aljaksandr [Show]
Keywords: historia językoznawstwa, język białoruski, życie naukowe
Classification: Academies of sciences. Universities. Commitees. Societies [Show]
1.6.5. History of Slavic studies [Show]
9.3. Belorussian [Show]