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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: Language Minorities and Minority Languages in the Changing Europe : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Minority Languages, Gdańsk 1-5 July, 1996
Author/editor: ed. by Brunon Synak and Tomasz Wicherkiewicz
Publication place: Gdańsk
Publisher: Wydaw. Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Year: 1997
Pages: 419 s.
Languages: eng, ger
Author headings:
rd. Synak, Brunon [Show]
rd. Wicherkiewicz, Tomasz [Show]
Keywords: 1996 r., bilingwizm, Gdańsk, język mieszany, język mniejszościowy, języki słowiańskie, kontakty językowe, materiały konferencyjne, mniejszość językowa, sytuacja językowa, wielojęzyczność, zapożyczenie 2 (rezultat)
Classification: Conferences. Congresses [Show]
1.1. General part. Problems of modern languages [Show]
1.2. General part. Historical problems [Show]
1.3. General part. Regional problems [Show]
5. Slovenian. Text linguistics [Show]
7. Sorb Group [Show]
8. Lech group [Show]
9.2. Russian [Show]
9.4. Ukrainian [Show]
Inbound references:
Recenzja: JANKE Stanisław .- "Pomerania : miesięcznik społeczno-kulturalny" 1998 [Show]
PRIESTLY Tom: Dialect literature : its importance in the maintenance of a minority language (Slovene in Austria) .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
BRIJNEN Hélène B.: An incipient literary tradition in Slěpe Sorbian : Nepila's manuscripts and their transcription by Handrik .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
VANN Elizabeth: Language, ethnicity and nationality in the German-Polish borderland : the role of German .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
ZIELIŃSKA Anna: The linguistic situation of the Old-Believers community in Poland .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
BREZA Edward: Merkmale der kaschubischen Literatursprache .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
FISHER Karl Robert: The minority situation of the Sorbs in the land of Brandenburg especially considering the educational policy .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
VACHTIN Nikolaj: Mixed languages, mixed cultures, and ethnic identity .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
ZIENIUKOWA Jadwiga: On the languages of small multilingual ethnic groups - the case of Sorbian and Kashubian .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
POPOWSKA-TABORSKA Hanna: The present-day linguistic situation in Kashubia .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
VOSPERNIK Reginald: Slovene minority in Austria .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
RZETELSKA-FELESZKO Ewa: Sorbians and Sorbian : present situation .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
ELLE Ludwig: Spracherhalt, Sprachverlust und etnische Identität bei den Lausitzer Sorben .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]
WYSOCZAŃSKI Włodzimierz: The Ukrainian language in Poland : the socio-cultural context .- Gdańsk, 1997 [Show]