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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: Griechische Lehnwörter im altkirchenslawischen Parömienbuch
Author/editor: Emilie Bláhová
Published in: Byzantinoslavica : revue internationale des études byzantines [Show]
Journal issue: 1997 T. 58
Pages: 350-362
Languages: ger
Abstract: Materiál zvláště z "Grigorovičova parimejníku". (JP)
Author headings:
au. Bláhová, Emilie [Show]
Keywords: grecyzm, język staro-cerkiewno-słowiański, parimejnik, wyraz zapożyczony, "Григоровичев паримейник"
2. Old Church Slavonic [Show]
3.1.2. Bulgarian. History of language [Show]
10.2. Other languages influence on Slavic languages [Show]
Personal subject heading:
Grigorovič, Viktor Ivanovič [Show]