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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: Frazeologija u općem rječniku : leksikografske dvojbe i mogući otgovori
Author/editor: Lana Hudeček i Milica Mihaljević
Published in: Filologija [Show]
Journal issue: 1997 Knj. 28
Pages: 21-34
Note: Streszcz. ang
Languages: scr
Author headings:
ws. Hudeček, Lana [Show]
ws. Mihaljević, Milica [Show]
Keywords: frazem, frazeologia 1 (zbiór frazeologizmów), hasło słownikowe, język chorwacki, leksykografia, słownik jednojęzyczny
4.6.4. Serbo-Croatian group. Lexicography [Show]
4.6.5. Serbo-Croatian group. Phraseology [Show]