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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: Slavia : časopis pro slovanskou filologii
Author/editor: ved. red. Slavomír Wollman
Publication place: Praha
Publisher: "Euroslavica"
Year: 1997 - 2015
Languages: cze, etc.
Comments: Od. R. 71 (2002): ved. red. E. Bláhová.
Author headings:
rd. Wollman, Slavomír [Show]
rd. Bláhová, Emilie [Show]
Keywords: slawistyka, wydawnictwo periodyczne
1.6.2. Periodicals [Show]
1.1. General part. Problems of modern languages [Show]
1997 R. 66 [Show]
1998 R. 67 [Show]
1999 R. 68 [Show]
2000 R. 69 [Show]
2001 R. 70 [Show]
2002 R. 71 [Show]
2003 R. 72 [Show]
2004 R. 73 [Show]
2007 R. 76 [Show]
2011 R. 80 [Show]
2015 R. 84 [Show]