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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Title: Bahtin in humanistične vede : zbornik prispevkov z mednarodnega simpozija v Ljubljani, 19.-21. oktobra 1995 = Bakhtin and the Humanities : Proceedings of the International Conference in Ljubljana, October 19-21, 1995
Author/editor: ur. Miha Javornik, Marko Juvan, Aleksander Skaza [et al.]
Publication place: Ljubljana
Publisher: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete
Year: 1997
Pages: 307 s.
Languages: slv
Author headings:
rd. Javornik, Miha [Show]
rd. Juvan, Marko [Show]
rd. Skaza, Aleksander [Show]
Keywords: 1995 r., Lublana, materiały konferencyjne, Бахтин Михаил Михайлович (1895-1975)
Classification: Conferences. Congresses [Show]
Inbound references:
Recenzja: ULBRECHTOVÁ-FILIPOVÁ Helena .- "Slavia : časopis pro slovanskou filologii " 1998 [Show]
Personal subject heading:
Bachtin, Michail Michajlovič [Show]