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Institute of Slavic Studies - Polish Academy of Sciences

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Documents with keyword: Lunt Horace G. (1918-2010)

Description Type Actions
FRIEDMAN Victor A.: Horace G. Lunt and the beginning of Macedonian studies in the United States of America .- "Прилози = Contributions" 1998 Journal article [Show]
BIRNBAUM Henrik: More on the parent language of the Slavs and some of its sound shifts with an excursus on the location of Moravia : apropos two recent articles by Horace G. Lunt .- "International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics" 1998 Journal article [Show]
SPASOV Ljudmil: Значењeто на Граматиката на Хорас Г. Лант за афирмациjата на македонскиот jaзик .- "Прилози = Contributions" 1998 Journal article [Show]